Another reason I distrust the Big 5 is how many of the traits are worded in that scoring high or loe on that trait is superior. For example, look at consciousnessness, agreeableness, and openness to experience and ask yourself if you’d like to score high on those (as well as scoring low on neuroticism.) Contrast these with the MBTI traits like, say, Sensing vs Intuition which doesn’t imply one is inherently superior to the other.
Maybe somr people seem to have this flawed notion that one personality type is superior to another and these seem to be the types who are drawn to Big 5 and reject MBTI, which isn’t perfect either but I fail to see how Big 5 paints a better picture of your natural personality. Maybe Big 5 is more useful for diagnosing flaws in one’s personality but that’s a whole different story than finding your personality type.